How To Make Over Your Life
Want 2023 to be different? Here’s how.
If you woke up today feeling like you were….
- Bored
- Stuck
- Unmotivated
Or something along those lines, than a life makeover might just be what you want to do next.
What’s a life makeover?
Disclosure: There are some affiliate links below, but these are all products I highly recommend. I won’t put anything on this page that I haven’t verified and/or personally used.
Well, simply put, it’s where you sit down and evaluate what is going on in your life and how you feel about it. Once you determine what all of that is, you can begin to make a plan to make changes that will lead you into living the life you want.
Maybe you’ve got some issues that you’re facing (or not facing). Maybe you haven’t reached some specific goals yet that you had planned to reach last year or in previous years. Maybe you’re just needing to set some boundaries with some people that you’ve been hanging around.
No matter what the reason, being bored, stuck or unmotivated is an awful feeling. I’ve been there before myself and thankfully figured out how to get out of that rut. I’m going to share with you now, several ways to sit down and figure out who to make this year different!
Write it out. I’m a big pen to paper person. While I love technology, there is nothing better than sitting down in a journal or notebook and free writing what’s on my mind. I encourage you to do to do just one 10-minute session a day for a week and see how that helps you get those thoughts and feelings out. You can then refer back to it and see who and what affects you and start making some changes based on that. Be sure to include what you’re going through and how you would rather like things to look like for yourself.
Read each day. If you don’t have a library card, make it a point to get one or get a subscription to Kindle Unlimited or Audible. Yes, I know I said read but even listening to a good book on your commute to work is good. Either way, you’re going to gain so much information from taking advantage of either platform!
Choose topics that are non-fictional and related to what you’re going through at the moment and might need help with. Take and read 10 pages daily as well as be open to another person’s perspective.
While some books I haven’t 100% agreed with, there has always been nuggets that I could walk away with. I’ve got a great list of books that I read and reread. I’m adding to this list so be sure to check it out. I’m always looking for new reads so if you have one to share, please do!
Evaluate what habits are holding you back. So, this can be tough for some folks. I want you to really take a look at your life. Grab your journal or notebook and write out your day. Who you talk to and how do you feel afterwards? Are you seeing trends with people, places or things? What bad habits can you replace with good?
Maybe you have brain fog like me and all you need to do is find a system that helps you stay on track with your to do list. I take all the things that I need to do each day, write them out on my to do list and then cross them off as I go. It’s simple and effective and helps me stay on track with both home and work life. I also like to stay up late which means I don’t always get enough sleep. So, I set a bed timer on my iWatch that tells me I need to shut off the tele and go to bed.
Have fun and explore! This is a great time for you to go out and participate in all the awesome things that are out there in our world. It’s easy to say something along the lines of “It might be something I like but I don’t know if I will.” and never try whatever it is.
Wanna know something? I used to say that but not anymore. Last summer I went out in a canoe and had blast with friends on the water. It was something I wanted to do but was scared of (the water). I had an amazing set of friends who made me feel safe the entire time and the water was no more than waist deep and it all worked out. I LOVED the experience and time together.
So, think about this next time you’re deciding on what to do. Ask yourself…. “What if I really end up enjoying this AND it leads me to meeting and creating other opportunities that put me on the path to making my life different and better.“ What’s your answer? Let me know what it was and what you decided.
Always be open to learning. I’m a life-long learner and I love taking classes or courses to help me. I even have written a few myself as a Coach. There are so many opportunities to learn something new every single day. Maybe you like cooking but want to learn how to use a Blackstone grill. Well, every day you can go on Tik Tok or any of the other platforms and learn how and by people just like you and me. Here’s one of my favorite creators (he just happens to be my little brother). Or maybe your local Chamber has a Leadership Course that’s a stepping stone for what you need in your career advancement. Either way, you’re doing something that is going to move you forward and give you new skills and strength when you open your mind and learn.
Design what you want your life to look like. Sit back, think about it and let you mind go. What does your ideal day look like? Grab your journal or notebook and write it out. You can also make a vision board and hang it where you see it each day. Work towards making it happen.
Take action. All of the things above have two things in common. One is You. The other is taking action. None of this is possible without you taking action. Take one thing that you know you need to be different and begin working on it even if it’s little baby steps. Read, journal, be open to adventures and learning each day and watch your life change.
You and only you have the power to change your life. Start with focusing on what you can control and what you’re interested in and you’ll start seeing progress in no time. I believe that these small steps I’ve given you can make you feel better and help motivate you into becoming who you want to be. I’ll be here rooting you on and helping provide some tools to do so while you do the core work.
I believe in you!