7 Little Things You Can Do For Your Mental Health That Will Make a Big Difference When You Suffer From A Chronic Illness
If you have a chronic illness, you already know that most days it can feel like riding a rollercoaster. The physical challenges that cause the ups and downs are very real but often what’s not always talked about is that there can be mental and emotional highs and lows that take place too.
There may be times that you might feel frustrated, alone or even downright angry and upset. And that's okay. You’re allowed to to experience these feels. It’s all a part of being human.
With that said, please know that you're not alone in this and there are tools and resources available to help you. These are little things that you can do for your metal health that will make a big difference when you suffer from a chronic illness. And, if you came across this blog post and don't have one, you can still benefit from reading through these tips.
A little background info before we dive in. Chronic illnesses have been known to significantly impact your mental health and there are studies out there to back this up. Just do a google search and you can find a list of online articles that go into depth on this subject matter.
These studies have shown that there is a higher prevalence of anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions among those living with chronic illness.
In fact, I myself, have these feelings from time to time and have been diagnosed with anxiety and depression because of how my own chronic illnesses impact my life. I share this openly so that others know that they aren’t alone and to help assist them in learning what options are available or share with them that it's okay to seek professional help. I'm also an advocate for those that have invisible and chronic conditions.
So, if you’re feeling all kinds of emotions, you may wonder what can you do in addition to talking to a professional that will help you boost your mental health. Here’s the good news. All of these tips are things that you can start doing today after you read this blog post. It just takes a little time and isn't expensive or complicated.
Here are 7 Little Things You Can Do For Your Mental Health That Will Make a Big Difference When You Suffer From A Chronic Illness.
Start your day with a positive affirmation. One phrase that I like to use that’s really simple and easy to say is “Today is going to be a good day.” If you want to add others into your routine, these affirmation cards for confidence and positivity can help with that. You can also take a piece of paper, write that phrase down and post it where you'll see it often. If you're on the move through out the day, schedule it as a reminder on your phone. I have a whole list of mine that go off every hour and read/say.
Get some sunshine and fresh air, even if it's just for 10 minutes. This little thing right here is GOLD when you're feeling down. There's just something about that warm sun hitting your body that feels wonderful. Such a simple pleasure!
Eat nourishing foods that fuel your body. As you've probably heard before, you are what you eat. You might even find that certain foods not only affect your mental health but might trigger flares and your body aches more or maybe certain foods might make things better for you. When I started tracking my food intake in my symptom tracker and log, I noticed that foods like potatoes, pasta, sugar on a regular basis made me feel miserable and were not good for me. I was able to take this little bit of information and make some adjustments into my meal plan which helped in the long run.
Listen to uplifting music, podcasts. The same for books you read or shows/movies you watch. I've found for myself that when I watch shows that are depressing or listen to sad music that it puts me into a funk and I don't need any of that in my life. In fact, I was just telling a friend the other day that there was this amazing show on TV that I watched for a few seasons but after ever episode, I had cried and cried like a baby and felt so drained afterwards. I decided that I had to give up watching it because it just became too much. Can you guess which show it was?
Connect with others. Whether its friends, family, work people or a support group, most of us need human interaction and yes, that even applies to us introverts. I t's good to get out and be with other people to chat and do things with or to find them in a safe online community. Find your tribe and love them hard as they say! You'll be doing yourself good and so will they.
Celebrate a WIN each day. When you have a chronic illness, some days trying to do anything at all is a challenge so it's important to find something that you can celebrate at the end of the day. I had a spell where it was almost impossible to get anything done and this one tip my therapist shared with me made me feel more of value because I was really feeling like a burden to others and also as if I wasn't accomplishing anything. So, even if it's just getting up and taking a shower, making dinner or putting a full day in, celebrate those wins because they matter and know that your productivity does not determine your value!
Practice gratitude for the good things in your life. As you've probably heard, when you focus on good things, they multiple. I'm sure that you would agree that we could all use more good things in our life so that's why it's important to acknowledge whatever those good things are that are taking place regardless of the size. I like to write mine out in my gratitude journal. and then review when I need a mental health boost. It really does help.
To sum up this blog post, living with a chronic illness can be tough, but you don't have to go through it alone. With the right tools, support, and a commitment to finding little things that you can do for your mental health, you can find strength, resilience, and hope on your journey. Remember, you are worthy, capable, and loved. Keep going, one step at a time. I'm here rooting you on and I hope this post was helpful and encouraging for you. If you think it was, please be sure to share it with one of the options below so that others can benefit from it too.
In this together!
Please note: This blog post is for informational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider for personalized guidance.