10 Reasons Why You May Want To Get A Diagnosis For A Chronic Illness
If you've been living in pain for any length of time without knowing what it is, what caused it or how long you'll be feeling like you do, you're probably ready to uncover what exactly is going on so that you can get back to your "regular" life.
Getting a proper diagnoses could be a life-changing step into starting that journey into feeling better and for me personally, its helped me with a few other things such as these:
1. Peace of Mind
Not knowing what was going on and why I felt the way I did, was taxing on me emotionally. Some days I felt as if other people thought I had made up my illness and it was all in my head. Having multiple "invisible illnesses" made that even more difficult because while I "felt" pain, people didn't see it. And yes, even with the multiple chronic illness diagnosis' and learning that there was no cure, it still gave me a sense of relief knowing my diagnosis. I could then focus on treating symptoms that could potentially help work towards feeling better.
2. Access to Proper Treatment
Once you have a diagnosis, your healthcare provider should work with you on creating a personalized treatment plan. Sometimes that means that you'll have multiple Doctors who specialize in various things. It may mean physical therapy, occupational therapy, mental health care and more. This means you can start managing your symptoms and may even help improve your quality of life.
3. Better Symptom Management
Without a diagnosis, it can be tough to know how to deal with your symptoms. A diagnosis should help your Doctor with providing you with specific tools, medication, or therapies designed to work with your condition and make day-to-day life more manageable.
4. Understanding Your Body
A diagnosis helps you understand why you feel the way you do. It may help in giving answers that may have been missing for a long time and helps you connect the dots. For the longest time, things I thought were "normal" and had never discussed with anyone were actually symptoms.
5. Support from Others
Once you know what’s going on, you can find communities or support groups of people going through similar experiences. This can be a huge emotional boost, knowing you’re not alone. I often "lurk" in online community groups reading about things that others are trying, what their experiences are like and more. Sometimes I attend in person support groups. Do what works and feels comfortable for you!
6. Improved Mental Health
Living with uncertainty can take a toll on your mental health. When you know what you're dealing with, it can help reduce some of your anxiety and stress.
7. Preventing Further Complications
Early detection and treatment can often help prevent the illness from worsening. The sooner you know what you’re dealing with, the sooner you can take action to work towards feeling better or work towards slowing disease progression.
8. Gaining Eligibility for Support Services
Some chronic illnesses qualify for various support services, including disability benefits or special accommodations at work or school. Having a diagnosis ensures you can access these resources if needed. Start with local services and organizations in your neighborhood for information on what resources you may be able to access.
9. Educating Loved Ones
A diagnosis can help you explain your condition to friends and family. Hopefully that means that they will understand what you’re going through and offer meaningful support.
10. Taking Back Control of Your Life
Finally, knowing the name of your illness and what it entails gives you the power to take charge of your health. You can make informed decisions about your care, diet, lifestyle, and treatment options, which can make all the difference in your journey.
Sometimes getting a diagnosis for a chronic illness might feel overwhelming and time consuming but once you have it, it can open the door to understanding, support, and better management of your health. That's why you may want to get a diagnosis for a chronic illness. You deserve answers, and your well-being is worth all the effort you put into it!
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In this together!
Please note: This blog post is for informational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical or health advice. Always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider for personalized guidance.